Computer science and software engineering: Jacobs University and SIT introduce joint master program – EurekAlert

Fixing technical challenges, creating and implementing evaluation tasks, collaborating throughout disciplines and nationwide borders – the objective of This method is to equip graduates with evaluation and management expertise for a technologized and digital working environment. Already all by …….


Fixing technical challenges, creating and implementing evaluation tasks, collaborating throughout disciplines and nationwide borders – the objective of This method is to equip graduates with evaluation and management expertise for a technologized and digital working environment. Already all by way of their research, the worldwide community of each universities provides college students The prospect To understand sensible expertise by way of internships, evaluation groups and enterprise tasks. Afterwards, They’ve direct entry to The worldwide job market.

Students can choose packages from three topic areas: Computer software Engineering, Cybersecurity, or Synthetic Intelligence. The technical information acquired is complemented by completely different obligatory packages in management, entrepreneurship, product enchancment, organizational conduct, and communication. This interdisciplinary strategy addresses The requirements of the job Market for youthful professionals to be technically As properly as to scientifically and economically versed.

This diploma program is The primary to be provided in cooperation by Jacobs College and SIT. It was initially created by Prof. Mauro Pezzè, Grasp Program Director at SIT After which Tailored to German accreditation requirements by the group of JUB school led by Peter Zaspel, Professor of Pc Science.

Students are free To choose The state of affairs For his or her research; Furthermore It is potential To change between Bremen and Schaffhausen. The hybrid format of educating permits shut cooperation and common exchanges between college students and teachers from each institutions.

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